Friday, December 30, 2016

Чоколаден куглов со портокал / Orange Bundt Cake

Убаво како зимски распуст, како снег на Божиќно утро, како подарок под елка :) Едноставно совршен рецепт за зимски десерт. Чоколадо и портокал во комбинација со цимет,. Магија. Можете од горе да си ставите и малку џем или некакво слатко. Јас го сакам без ништо.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Зукото / Zuccotto

Еден ладен рецепт кој секако ќе ве стопли. Италијанска торта со бисквити, по потекло од Фиренца. Се јаде во полузамрзната состојба. Главните состојки се бисквити, крем и некаков лиќер или рум. Зукото на италијански значи „мала тиква“ бидејќи се правела во сад кој личи на мала тиква. Колку и да ви зборувам колку е вкусна, не можам да ви опишам. Верувајте им на италијаните. Мислите дека тие би погрешиле кога се работи за десерт?

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Млечен десерт со бисквити / Milk Dessert in a Cup

Еден лесен рецепт, совршен за кога сакаме да си каснеме нешто вкусно, а да не бара многу подготовка. Нема ни печење ни некоја посебна припрема. А резултатот е волшебен. Кога добив коментари од домашните дека ова е највкусното нешто што сум го зготвила, си помислив – еј а сите тие торти кои бараа саати поминати во кујна? Овој десерт ги победи.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Посна манџа со праз / Leek Stew

leek stew

Скоро како да е со месо :) Навистина е вусна и е одлична замена за кога се пости или кога сакате да паузирате од месо малку.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Чоколаден чизкејк / Chocolate Cheesecake

chocolate cheesecake

Совршен десерт за оние кои си љубат и десерти и сирење. За тоа колку е калорична тортава, кажува фактот што на првите олимписки игри им била служена на атлетичарите. Но, кога ќе ја пробате ќе сфатите дека вреди  секоја внесена калорија. Ако сте ги гледале „Пријатели“ сигурно се сеќавате на онаа нивна тепачка за „Чизкејк“, епа пробајте го рецептов и ќе знаете зошто толку жестоко се бореа за една „обична“ торта.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Штрудла со јаболка / Apple Strudel

apple strudel

Каква е таа есен без штрудла од јаболка? Самиот мирис дома додека се печи е доволен, а да не кажувам колку е лесна за правење и превкусна. Совршен доручек за малку да го стопли денот на почеток.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Spicy Bread

spicy bread

This is a recipe I got from a friend who lives in Turkey. It's a delicious spicy bread and it's incredibly easy to make. You can add any spices you like. I change the spices each time I make it.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Beef Stifado


Ever since I came back from my summer holiday in Greece, I've been thinking about making stifado. I bought a book with Greek recipes on my way back from Corfu, and I made the stifado according to the recipe in the book. It's a traditional Greek dish made with beef, small onions and a lot of different spices. In our, Macedonian, cuisine we have a similar dish called chomlek (чомлек), and I like it a lot, but there's something about the stifado recipe that makes it exotic and natural at the same time. And, I almost forgot - I pronounce it my favorite. That explains why there are so few photos, I couldn't lose time in taking photographs, the entire house smelled divinely.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Chocolate Chip Cookies

chocolate chip cookies

The first time I tried to make these cookies, the final result was one huge cookie over the baking paper. This time I got them right, and I don't know if that's a good thing because they are so delicious that you can't stop eating them. Chewy and soft. Perfect, in one word.

Monday, September 19, 2016


The fluffiest pancakes on earth. They are so good that I could have them every morning, literally. Topped with some maple syrup and butter, or with some jam, or honey. Anything you like.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Pesto Empanadas

pesto empanadas

Cheesy, spicy, delicious. A perfect breakfast.  The recipe I found was with minced meat, but white cheese filling was my choice. Basil-cheese combination....perfect.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Baked Aubergines with Minced Meat (Papucaki)


My dad's favorite meal and a regular meal in our family. It's a Greek and Turkish dish made of aubergines filled with minced meat and covered with delicious sauce on top. Fairly easy to make and well worth the effort.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Dutch Pancakes

dutch pancake

It's the the blackberries season and we are lucky to have some blackberry bushes in our garden.

dutch pancake

 I picked some this morning, and the first idea I got was... pancakes. But I wanted to make something different so I decided for this German version of a pancake. Something between a pancake, omelette and popover. It's fluffy, light and tasty.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Cheese Puffs

cheese puffs

Light, airy cheese puffs..... that's always a good idea. I got the idea to make this recipe while on holiday in Greece this summer. The fried cheese balls are part of the Greek cuisine and they make them very often. I don't know if I have mentioned, but I love Greek food. Starting with the olive oil, the gyro and everything else :)

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Friday, August 26, 2016

Eggplant Spread

eggplant spread

This Mediterranean eggplant spread recipe is healthy and delicious. Perfect for these hot summer days when you want something quick and easy to make.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Cherry Tomato Bruschetta

tomato bruschetta

I love this time of the year when our gardens are full of tasty tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers. A salad made of fresh homegrown vegetables is the best meal in summer. We have cherry tomatoes in our garden so I wanted to make something simple and tasty, and that's how this recipe came out. Tomatoes and olive oil, you cannot make a mistake with them. This bruschetta is a real treat for your taste buds. You can serve it as a starter, appetizer or even as a main meal if you prefer light food during the summer, as I do.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Vegan Garlic Pasta

garlic pasta

I needed some time off blogging, but I'm back with some fresh energy and with my new vegan garlic pasta recipe. It's almost as tasty as if it was with cheese....well, almost

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Cream Cheese Pork Chops

Cream Cheese Pork Chops

My all time favorite pork chops recipe. Creamy, cheesy and soft. And mashed potatoes with spring onions as a side dish...Absolutely perfect!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Poppy Seed Roll

poppy seed roll

Tender, sweet bread with creamy poppy seed filling. We always have it for Easter. It's even tastier after a few days.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Vasa's Cake (Васина Торта)

vasa's cake

One of our favorite cakes in my family. It's not so easy to make, but it's worth the effort. Creamy and tasty, with some orange flavor.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Spinach Casserole

spinach casserole

I love spinach with lamb meat. I think that combination is absolutely perfect. But this vegan version is also tasty. It's easy to make, and it doesn't ask for a lot of planning ahead. A simple spring dish.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Baked Bean Casserole

baked bean casserole

Baked Bean Casserole or Tavce Gravce in Macedonian is a traditional Macedonian dish. Healthy, nutritive and delicious. My recipe is vegan, but you can make it with some bacon, sausages or fish.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

24-Hour Sour Dough Bread

sour dough bread

I continue my sour dough adventure. The starter is alive and very active. A couple of days ago I tried a recipe four sour dough bread with 24-hour fermentation. The result was- perfection. You can find the original recipe here. I did a small change. I used 300 grams whole grain flour, and 500 grams all purpose flour. It was easy to prepare and the bread was delicious.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Chocolate Muffins

chocolate muffins

I was inspired by the beautiful weather to make these vegan chocolate muffins. Airy and tasty, with some banana and cinnamon flavor. Ready in 30 minutes.


  • 200 grams (1 3/4 cups) flour, sifted
  • 200 grams (1 cup) granulated sugar
  • 75 grams (2/3 cups) cocoa powder
  • 16 grams (3 teaspoons) baking powder
  • 450 ml (2 cups) rice milk, or any other veggie milk
  • 1 banana (mashed)
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • some vanilla extract
  • some cinnamon
for the topping
  • 4 tablespoons sugar
  • 4 tablespoons water
  • 4  tablespoons cocoa
  • 2 tablespoons oil

chocolate muffins

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees (320 degrees F).
In a large bowl combine flour, sugar, cocoa, cinnamon and baking powder.
In a separate bowl whisk the milk, oil, vanilla, and banana. Then, add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients. Stir with a wooden spoon until well combined. Be careful not to over-mix it.
Pour the batter in a muffin pan and bake for about 40 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.

For the topping, pour the water in a pan and heat it with the sugar. Add the cocoa and oil and heat it for a couple of minutes.

Decorate your muffins and enjoy with a cup of Turkish coffee

chocolate muffins

chocolate muffins

Чоколадни мафини

Прекрасното време ме инспирира да ги направам овие чоколадни мафини. Воздушести и вкусни, со вкус на банана и цимет. Готови за 30 минути.

 200 грама брашно
·         200 грама шеќер
·         75 грама какао
·         1 пакетче прашак за пециво
·         450 мл оризово млеко, или друго растително млеко
1    1 банана
·         3 лажици маслиново масло
·         Малку ванила
·         Цимет

З     За глазурата
4     4 лажици вода
4     4 лажици шеќер
4     4 лажици какао
2     2 лажици масло


Загрејте ја рерната на 160 степени.
Во длабок сад ставете го брашното, какаото, циметот и прашакот за пециво. Измешајте ги сувите состојки.
Во одделен сад измешајте го млекото, маслото, ванилата и бананата. Додадете ги водените состојки во сувите. Измешајте добро со лажица, но не премногу.
Турете ја смесата во тавче кое сте го намастиле претходно и печете околку 40 минути, или додека чепкалка ставена насредина во тортата излегува чиста.

За глазурата загрејте ја водата со шеќерот. Додадете го какаото и маслото и мешајте неколку минути.

Декорирајте ги мафините и уживајте во вашето омилено турско кафе

Friday, April 15, 2016

Red Lentil Soup

red lentil soup

The tastiest lentil soup I have tried. Delicious! Completely vegan, without dairy products, even without oil. And it's a very quick recipe. You can make it when you don't know what to cook for lunch, and you don't want to stay in the kitchen all day.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Olive Sour Dough Bread

sour dough bread

One week ago I began my adventure called- homemade sour dough starter. I got the idea from a friend, and I started reading and I  loved the idea of having your own starter to make your sour dough bread.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Chocolate Baklava

chocolate baklava

Baklava and some Turkish coffee, my recipe for a perfect Sunday afternoon. For those that do not know baklava is a kind of sweet pastry made of layers of filo filled with chopped nuts. My baklava is a little different from the traditional recipe. It has chocolate in it and does not have the traditional form. The filo can be homemade, but I bought the it from the grocery store. I promise I will make it myself next time :)

Friday, April 8, 2016

Шпагети со сос од брокула / Spaghetti with Broccoli Sauce

spaghetti with broccoli sauce

Едно од моите омилени посни јадења. Не можете ни да замислите колку е вкусна брокулата во комбинација со сусам и босилек. Лесно со за правење и е многу поздрава верзија на сите други сосови кои ги правите. Превкусно е. Се прави брзо, а е здрав и вкусен оброк.


  • 1 пакетче шпагети (500 грама)
  • 500 грама брокула
  • 1 кромид
  • 2 чешниња лук
  • 100 грама сусам
  • маслиново масло
  • сушен босилек
  • сол
Сварете ги шпагетите на вообичаениот начин.
За сосот, варете ја брокулата во солена вода околу 5 минути и исцедете ја водата. Ставете малку масло во тава за пржење и пропржете го кромидот и лукот. Додатете ја брокулата и малку од водата во која се вареше брокулата. Тргнете го тавчето од шпоретот и додадете босилек и сусам. После десет минути, кога ќе е малку оладено, ставете ја брокулата во блендер се додека не стане кремаста.
Ставете од сосот врз шпагетите. Добар апетит!

spaghetti with broccoli sauce

This pasta sauce is absolutely delicious. My favorite non dairy pasta sauce. It's almost as if it has cheese in it. Tasty and light. And so aromatic, with basil and sesame and garlic. Perfect combination of tastes.

  • 1 package spaghetti (500 grams)
  • 500 grams (17 oz ) broccoli
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 100 grams (1/2 cup) sesame
  • olive oil
  • some basil
  • some salt
Cook the spaghetti the usual way and set aside.
Start preparing the sauce. Boil the broccoli in salted water for about 5 minutes and drain the water. Put some oil in a frying pan and fry the thin sliced onion and garlic. Add the sliced broccoli and some of the water in which the broccoli was boiled. Remove the pan from the heat and add the basil and sesame. After 10 minutes, when it is cooled, put the mixture in a blender and blend it well until the texture is creamy.
Add some of the sauce on top of the spaghetti, and enjoy your delicious pasta.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Chocolate Cake by the Lake

chocolate cake

This weekend the weather was perfect for a walk by the lake. We decided to go to our weekend house by the lake and I knew that some tasty dessert would be perfect for the trip. I made this moist chocolate cake. Non dairy, no eggs, just the taste of chocolate and cinnamon, spiced with some orange zest.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Beetroot and Honey Salad

beetroot salad

So delicious that this is like a main dish for me. Sour and sweet and fresh. The beetroot-carrot combination is always good. The honey gives it some exotic touch and the rosemary is a story for itself. try it and you will make it often, I promise

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Vegan Cashew Cheese

vegan cashew cheese

I could leave without meat, but I couldn't live without cheese. So, during the Great Lent the thing I miss the most is cheese. In pasta, in salad, or just cheese. So when I found a recipe on the internet for a vegan cheese I didn't think twice to try it. And the result is incredible. I think I will continue to make this cheese even when it's not a Lent time. You can use it as cream cheese, or you can leave it in the fridge for 2 days and use it as regular cheese.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Vegan Spaghetti Bolognese

vegan spaghetti bolognese

I love pasta, especially spaghetti. I first tried the Bolognese sauce a couple of years ago, and I fell in love with it. Before that, the cheese-spaghetti combination was perfect enough :) We are in the middle of the Great Lent so I had to find a version applicable now. I used soya crumbs instead of meat, and guess what's equally perfect!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Крем супа од спанаќ / Spinach Cream Soup

spinach cream soup

(scroll down for the recipe in English)

Супава е превкусна! Здрава и лесна за правење. Кремаста е и лимонот и додава многу свежина. За тие што постат, еве идеја за вкусен оброк. Се се става во тенџере и се вари. Толку :)


  • 1 кг спанаќ
  • 2 компири (исечени на ситни парчиња)
  • 2 чешниња лук (истолчени)
  • сок од 1 лимон
  • 1 филџан вода
  • 1 лажица брашно
  • сол по вкус
  • црн пипер
Ставете го спанаќот во тенџере, додадете ги компирите, лукот, брашното (растворено во малку вода),па додадете 1 филџан вода и сокот од лимон. Варете се додека не се сварат компирите. Додадете сол и пипер и други зачини доколку сакате. 
Ставете се во блендер и мешајте се додека не добиете изедначена кремаста супа.
Добар апетит!

spinach cream soup

 This soup is absolutely delicious! It's healthy and so easy to make, but most important of all is that it is creamy and tasty. The secret ingredient is the lemon juice, it adds freshness. You have to try it yourselves.

  • 1 kg spinach (35 oz)
  • 2 potatoes, cut in small pieces
  • 2 cloves of garlic (grated)
  • juice from 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • some salt
  • some pepper
Put the spinach in a pot, add the potatoes, garlic, the flour, add 1 cup of water and the lemon juice. Cook everything well until the potatoes are cooked. Add some salt and pepper, or any spices you like.
Put everything in a blender, and mix it until you get a smooth creamy soup.

Bon appetit! 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Baked Potatoes!

baked potatoes

If you don't like fried food, or you are in the middle of the Great Lent this is something tasty you can try. We eat potatoes often, but not cooked in this way.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Veggie Chocolate Bundt Cake

chocolate bundt cake

I've been sitting in front of the computer trying to to describe this extraordinary chocolate cake for a while, and I can't find the words. It's magical. While you are eating it you have a feeling that you have entered some kind of a fairy tale. I'm not exaggerating. You simply must try this recipe!!!
chocolate bundt cake

Rainbow Smoothie

rainbow smoothie

I've always wanted to try one of those smoothies in different colors. This is not a recipe from my Granddad's book, of course. It's easier than you think and it looks pretty and it's delicious too.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Ginger Ale

ginger ale

You either like ginger or you can't stand it. I love it! This is a drink for people who like the smell and taste of ginger. It's refreshing and healthy and very easy to make.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Peanut Spread

peanut spread

If you want a healthy snack this is the perfect recipe for you. It's a veggie recipe, no dairy products, no meat, not even oil. And the taste is...... I cannot describe, you have to try it yourselves. With some pickles on top, or some tomato, or lettuce to give it freshness. In one word - perfect. I started with one piece of bread with this spread on top, and five minutes later I had eaten four. Yup, four :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016



My favorite food especially during the Great Lent. I could eat guacamole every day, literally. On a piece of toast, with some olives....delicious

Sunday, March 13, 2016

French Crepes

french crepes

There are two very similar crepes recipes in  my Grandad's cookbook - French and Turkish. The difference is that the French recipe has some white wine in it, so that's why I decided to try that :) But I used the walnuts from the Turkish recipe, so it's one sweet combination. Crepes, and cream with taste of wine, vanilla and rum. Perfect!!!

Melted Cheese

melted cheese

We all love cheese, and especially melted cheese. This is so easy to make and so delicious that I am sure it will become a regular treat at you home. It goes well with wine or beer. For lunch, dinner or as a snack :)